Traditional H-1B Recruitment and Services
Whether in the U.S. or abroad, our recruiting agents will find the right professional for you. We combine innovative solutions, such as recruiting H-1B workers who are already stateside, with legal partners and staff who will handle all aspects of the application process.
Orbiter Recruitment professionals, as well as our attorneys and staff work with your HR to make sure that hiring your H-1B professional is efficient and straightforward.
Should you need contract workers and not H-1B employees, we can hire H-1B workers and subcontract them to you. Also, we may have your ideal contract worker already working for us now.

Best Consulting
Accurate Data
Marketing Growth
We feel that this specialist part of HR is often unrecognized for its contribution to the profitability and success of a business growth & marketing. We believe in success of our business in the world.